Version 0.43

This update is relatively minor, but includes enough small changes, updates, fixes, and enhancements to make it worth updating.

This version includes the following changes:

  • Added a suggested extra rule in the form of beginner's luck. It's a simple way of adjudicating luck if that would be necessary.
  • Added an overview of various common conditions to help give some more guidance when faced with those.
  • Clarified and streamlined some of the travel rules, most notably related to how skipping rest works.
  • Other smaller changes include reworking scrying items card, adding armour cards for small sizes, and changing some art.

Coming at some point:

  • A ruins generator to help with exploration during travel (still).
  • Rules for magical disease/vampirism (still).
  • More guidelines for dealing with things which take quite some time but aren't travel.

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