Version 0.52 — Of Beasts and Hexes

Whelp, guess this isn't the first 1.X version. I've been tinkering with quite a lot of stuff and as such have been procrastinating on actually finishing things up. It's been a while since the last update, which means this one is quite substantial.

This version includes the following changes:

  • Added two optional professions: Conduit and Shapeshifter. The first one focusses on hexes and the second one on, well, shifting shapes. They're in the Extra Rules chapter of the DM Resources because they're a lot less broad and common than the default ones, but they're there if you want some more options.
  • Changed the creature rules. They no longer have Armour, but instead have Frailty, which increases any damage they take. The rules for creature companions also better mimic the DM rules now.
  • Changed the creature stat blocks so that they show Half-Power instead of full Power, since most things creatures do had you halving the Power anyway and this made the maths quite a bit simpler.
  • Changed (and simplified) the Poison and Disease rules. These were always a bit too complicated for their own good. The current design makes them more immediate while still functioning as a long-term issue.
  • Added Character Death Procedures
  • Replace the Nerve Pinch ability with Pyrotechnics, which I think is more fun and fits the current design better. Nerve Pinch had been around for quite a while and never really changed with the design.
  • Changed the Spin Attack ability to Skilful Strikes, which is broader and hopefully more interesting.
  • Added four new magic items: Hibernation Coffin, Drying Pan, Crown of Endurance, and Ball of Holding. Hibernation Coffin is also part of the Ruins suggestions now.
  • Added a rule for repeating the prayer of another player (the original d12 roll still counts for the new one).
  • Added an optional Hit Points rule for if you really want to use them.
  • Tweaked some other abilities. Most notably, Mystery Potions is now a per-proficiency ability.
  • Tweaked a few spells (Cold Snap and Animate) and creatures (e.g. a Coral Leviathan now leaves behind a Crystal Ball).
  • Other minor fixes and clarifications (Vampires now actually work, for example).

Coming soon:

  • Release, but for real this time?

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