Version 0.51 — Finishing Touches

After a thorough editing pass, I've decided to make this the final 0.X version and will do some final cleanup before the actual 1.0 release. I'm also hoping to have a POD in the works by then. No new things are planned, although I may still add some magic items and creatures before the final release.

This version includes the following changes:

  • A lot of minor tweaks and changes as well as making everything up to date with any previous changes.
  • Changed Thian's prayer to Prayer of Power. The previous prayer basically did what praying to Thian would do anyway and this adds smiting to the game (in a way). I also slightly expanded Thena's Prayer. It is now Prayer of Refinement and can change colours and textures  in addition to cleaning things.
  • Changed the Warrior ability Defy Projectiles to Deflection to make it a bit more broadly applicable.
  • Moved the Equipment to before the Travel chapyer. While it made sense to group actions and travel and equipment and magic, the travel rules simply mentioned equipment far too often for that order to make sense. It’s the eternal rules-as-reference vs rules-as-teacher struggle. 
  • Changed the Miscellaneous chapter of the main section to Structures. I had originally assumed I'd add more than just structures to that chapter, but turns out I didn't need to. I also moved it to above the Costs chapter to make that chapter the final one of the main section. Costs now has a tiny version of the costs overview reference as well.
  • Added potions as an optional element when generating a generic creature. This hopefully adds a fun new dimension.

Coming soon:

  • Release?

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