A downloadable TTRPG

The World Ahead claims to be a simple and immersive system for grounded high fantasy roleplaying. Almost every part of the game—from worldbuilding to character creation—can allegedly be done at the table with little or no preparation.  If you prefer improvisation over rules lawyering and simplicity over number crunching, this could conceivably be the RPG for you!

The game is designed to be a fully-fledged TTRPG with a focus on both believability and creativity. To achieve this, it uses a flexible, open-ended mechanic to determine how successful an action is and leaves defining the "why" to the players. This same core mechanic is used for everything from travelling to spellcasting to combat. While this core mechanic leaves plenty of room for improvisation during the interesting bits, the rest of the system provides concrete structures for when things would otherwise become drawn out or tedious. 

You can find a plethora of unique spells, melodies, contraptions, magic items, abilities, and more within. These can spark each player's creativity and make each character feel truly unique! Each of these is designed to have a clear and direct connection to the fictional world, which means nothing ever has to pull you away from the fiction (This also means no hit points, experience points, or meta-currencies.)

The system also provides a plethora of tools, tips, and tricks to help GMs run the game without getting bogged down by endless prep and pointless busywork. This includes a streamlined travel system, tables for creating settlements, creatures, factions, ruins, and more, and many tools to help share the creative burden with the other players.

Included are a collection of easily-printable cards which can be used to keep track of everyone's equipment and succinct reference pages for all the core rules.


Desktop PDF 20 MB
Tablet PDF 20 MB
Phone PDF 17 MB
Extra Documents 17 MB

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